Heads up mga ka Piso Fare barkada especially those who are from Cebu, Cagayan de Oro, Iloilo, Davao and nearby areas. There is a Cebu Pacific SNAP SALE now that offers 99 Pesos BASE FARE.
What is a Cebu Pacific SNAP SALE? Basically, this is a one day sale only where you can book your promo airline tickets. For this snap sale, booking is for MAY 8, 2019 only.
These tickets are valid for the months of June, July, August, September and October.
Booking fast is the key for this Cebu Pacific seat sale. your best option is to book ticket by yourself via www.cebupacificair.com. No promo codes needed and you can purchase tickets using your Credit cards, ATM cards or opt to pay in CASH in BDO, LBC, Cebuana Lhuiiler, Bayad Center among others.

Promo Fare tickets are sold at 99 Pesos BASE FARE…. meaning,you still have to add extra for other fees like Terminal Fee, VAT, Fuel Surcharge and others.

Please see this sample ticket that we got via online booking. BASE FARE for Cebu to Boracay is at 99 Pesos BASE FARE only. But if you add the necessary fees and charges, rate comes up at 792.12 Pesos.
- Cagayan De Oro to Dumaguete or Iloilo
- Cebu to Boracay, Cagayan de Oro, Calbayog, Camiguin, Dumaguete, Iloilo, Kalibo, Legazpi, Ozamiz, Pagadian, or Siargao
- Davao to Bohol
- Iloilo to Puerto Princesa
- Zamboanga to Cotabato
Yes, all these destinations carry 99 Pesos BASE FARE seats.
LIMITED SEATS on sale,kaya may days po na malamang ay walang tickets na available.
Travel period is from June 15, 2019 up to October 31, 2019.
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Corazon says
Notify me always if theres a flight Bacolod to Manila…..and Manila to Naga….
Mary Grace Menor says
Notify me when you have the very cheapest fare from Dipolog to Manila