Hello Piso Fare Barkada, here now is another Cebu Pacific SNAP SALE for 2019. This one is for DAVAO!!!
Snap Sale means that the booing is good only for 1 day, and for this, its January 30. Select flights to and from Davao are included in this SNAP SALE!!

BASE FARE for these tickets is only 99 Pesos….. hanap hanap na mga besh ng tickets for not all dates may carry discounted rates. Best way to see which dates has promo fare tickets is by booking your seats directly at www.cebupacificair.com!!!
Here is the destinations that are on sale right now:
Davao to or from Bacolod, Bohol, Iloilo, Tacloban, or Zamboanga
If you want to see Davao and some of the places in the Visayas and Mindanao, then better start booking!!!

We did a sample booking, this one is for Davao to Zamboanga City!!! This would be a nice Mindanao trip for you can get a chance to see 2 great cities in the south!!!
Promo offers 99 Pesos BASE FARE, but with all the taxes and necessary fees, ticket price reached to 744.76 Pesos, not bad!!!
Travel Period is from March 6 to July 31, 2019.
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